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What People Say About Tracy

Cosmic Sky

Deree Tarwater Women's Ministry Director

I've had many opportunities to observe Tracy's conduct and can confidently say that she is a person of excellent character. Throughout the years of our friendship Tracy has always been honest and truthful in her words and actions. Not even once have I known of her lying or being dishonest in any way. Her word is as good as a signed contract.


One of my favorite statements is that "circumstances don't change character", and I believe that Tracy has excellent character.

Kathleen Burden


My overall impressions of Tracy are as follows: she is hard working; always the first one to step up to the plate to go the extra mile; conscientious; even tempered; always shows a good attitude; intelligent; has a high degree of integrity; honest; trustworthy; of good moral character; sets an example for others to follow.


She is someone I not only trust with my secrets, I trust with my life. The world would be a better place if there were more people of her standards in it.

Paul Anthony Gossett  Software Engineer

Much like light shines in dark places, Tracy possesses a gift for encouragement and maintaining a positive, consistent attitude. She helps others get to the positive side of life. 


There are four words that I would use to describe who she is as a person: integrity; consistency; concern, and; honesty.


One of the things I love about spending time with Tracy is her sense of humor. She brings laughter and joy to life. She has a wonderful way of getting people to laugh. It is a joy to be around her.

Chief Kittrell

Orange Police

She viewed our operations from a command level and from a street level and made very astute observations, analysis, and recommendations. She did so much to raise the level of psychological stability in the department and the community. 




See Full Letter below -

Cosmic Sky

Garry Carson

Carson Entertainment

Our program has become successful with Tracy's recommendations, organization, sound judgment, talent and skills. 

Joni Honn

Business Owner

Tracy assisted me in developing an exceptional presentation required for my industry.


She has provided mediation advice in dealing with difficult members of the medical and legal community regarding sensitive situations and has determined a successful course of action and/or direction. 

Charles T. Jeremiah

Attorney at Law

Special Agent Tracy L. Baldwin is a very valuable asset to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She possesses many unique talents and skills, a tireless work ethic, and a devotion to her career and country that cannot reasonably be called into question. 


She has demonstrated over and over her honesty, integrity, and loyalty to the Bureau and has many outstanding accomplishments. 


Dismissal of an agent of Baldwin’s caliber, capabilities and character would be a loss and detriment to the Bureau and the United States of America. 

Kathy Davis

Business Woman

When asking for Tracy's advice or opinion, I can always count on Tracy to tell me the truth - not what I may want to hear! In any circumstance, I would Never hesitate to count on her to be supportive, honest, and professional.


In my professional and personal opinion, the character and integirty of Tracy is beyond reproach.

Cosmic Sky

Carol Ann Mince


Tracy possesses an energy and professionalism that I don’t get to see very often in the workplace. She is organized, efficient, extremely competent and has an excellent rapport with people of all ages.


Tracy elevated the Intern Program to a level never before seen. Since then, the Intern Program Tracy developed is now the Internship Program model for the entire FBI.


I believe Tracy to be incredibly dedicated, loyal, honest, and trustworthy. She always remains calm in difficult situations and remains objective in the face of adversity.

Lacy Bowen

Forensic DNA Analyst

 I learned the true value of teamwork, discipline, honesty and professionalism. 


There are few people I know that I feel I can trust as much as I do Tracy. She is genuine, thoughtful, and a truly honest person. She is what I believe the FBI to be. To me she is everything the Bureau strives to be.

Brenda Hodge

Business Woman

I can truly tell you that Tracy is a leader, dedicated, hard working, and above all, willing to go beyond what is required of her, for her friends and for her job.


With her, you can take what she says at face value. Her wisdom can be astounding. She is truly an individual that you would want to have in your life and on your team.

Richard Rennison


In my experience with Tracy, I have known her to be honest, truthful, thorough, and sincere. Her integrity is beyond reproach.


She is the kind of person and FBI agent anyone would be proud to know, associate with, or be friends with.

What FBI Houston Said About Tracy

While on Limited Duty (due to a car wreck), this is what Tracy's Supervisor, ASAC, and SAC said:


“While on limited duty, SA Baldwin has been a terrific asset for the Houston Division. She has constantly shown a good work attitude and has helped out in many capacities. SA Baldwin has been performing at one hundred per cent of her assigned duties.


Upon her return to work, SA Baldwin was initially assigned to work drug-related matters. Based upon a temporary personnel reorganization, SA Baldwin was assigned to the division’s Administrative squad in late October, 2002. Her primary responsibility was to address incoming applicant leads and SPIN matters in Headquarters City territory. In performing her mission, it was not uncommon for SA Baldwin to receive a large volume of leads with short deadlines. By way of example, she recently completed an investigation regarding a U.S. District Court nominee. Initially SA Baldwin was given a three-week deadline to conduct numerous interviews in this matter. Upon completion of the initial investigation, FBI Headquarters requested an additional 28 interviews and background checks to be conducted in less than 48 hours, in order for a nomination to go before Congress prior to an upcoming recess. Although she was on sick leave at the time, SA Baldwin readily reported to duty, completing all interviews assigned and served as a mentor to three probationary agents in meeting the short deadline. Based on her exemplary performance, the Special Inquiry and General Background Investigations Unit said this about SA Baldwin, “you did an excellent job in putting this together. I know that it has been a real pain, with deadlines and other assignments.”


Another example of SA Baldwin’s dedication to duty and professionalism was an investigation with a five-day deadline involving a candidate for U.S. Circuit Court. SA Baldwin’s work was recognized by an Assistant Director who wrote in a letter to the Houston SAC, “the completed investigation was thorough, well written and conveyed all the appropriate issues in an exceptional manner, in spite of the short time constraints.” The work product produced by SA Baldwin did not require changes or corrections by her immediate supervisor and her reports were concise and conveyed facts needed by FBIHQ to make appropriate decisions in sensitive SPIN/applicant investigations. Her work and professionalism were more than indicative of the performance of an experienced GS-13 investigative agent preparing documents for use at the highest levels of government.


In addition to conducting applicant investigations, SA Baldwin voluntarily participated in a number of anti-drug presentations to local area schools. Recognizing the need to update the division’s anti-drug presentation, SA Baldwin independently coordinated with FBIHQ, DEA, the Houston Police Department, and the Humble Police Department, in creating an up-to-date anti-drug presentation. By taking the initiative in this matter, SA Baldwin once again displayed those traits that are expected regarding the performance level of a GS-13 investigative agent.


Finally, SA Baldwin eagerly assisted the Houston Office during the Columbia Shuttle disaster and recovery, volunteering for shifts at the NASA Command Post. During the days that she was not working at the NASA CP, she volunteered to cover weekend duty shifts for other agents who were assisting with Shuttle recovery efforts.


In summary, during her assignment to the Houston Division Administrative squad, SA Baldwin met or exceeded expectations in all of her given assignments and performed her duties at a skill level commensurate with that of a veteran GS-13 Special Agent. It is recommended that SA Baldwin continue on limited duty as an FBI Agent until she is approved for full duty.”

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